Lean Thinking


Lean thinking refers to the various techniques employed in businesses that generate new ways of thinking when it comes to human activities (Rizzo, 2019). It focuses on organizing the numerous human events in an organization hence reducing the wastes generated by negligence or mistakes in the human resource sector. This is done to improve the productivity of a given film. One of the benefits that any business employing lean thinking gains is the production of commodities within a short time flame. This is achieved since the method aims at removing the activities that lack value in the production processes. The technique also helps in enhancing the quality of the products by minimizing mistakes in the production sector hence reducing defects (Rizzo, 2019). Another benefit that the business gains is the ability to deliver products on time.  

Lean Thinking

Lean thinking helps in improving the productivity of the employees. Lean thinking ensures that the employees are focused on the objectives and goals set by the organization. Fully utilization of employees’ skills and knowledge and establishing a self-driven team are other benefits that a business employing this method gains. Any organization aiming at improving their productivity should use lean thinking. After the installation of just in time manufacturing system, a given organization exhibits a reduction in the amount of inventory it possesses (Bragg, 2018). This is referred to as the just in time inventory (JIT). Pull system is the name accorded to such a system. The main of the system is to ensure that the raw materials and other resources demanded at the production level are availed at the right time.  This, in turn, leads to the reduction of the working capital required for the daily running of the business by getting rid of the resources needed to store and handle the products produced. There are numerous advantages to utilizing the JIT inventory system. Such benefits include reducing resources spent as working capital, the ability to detect the various defects in the products and also reducing the production time (Bragg, 2018). However, since there are low inventory levels associated with the system, there may be a shortage of products offered as compared to those demanded.

As an employee of Banking Sector, I am not sure of how Lean thinking or JIT used in the process of Credit Cards or Cheque books production as I work in the Software. But I strongly believe that these might be used, as products that would have fulfilled the clients’ demands are being produced. This process is reducing the raw material wastage and other resources employed in the production.  During any time, the production levels will be constant as these cheque books or credit cards are produced only at the time when a customer account is created or lost credit card/cheque books or new cheque book. Goods produced are not stored in the warehouses for a relatively more extended period. A higher percentage of the products never go waste. The system should be incorporated by any business that aims at lowering goods stored in the warehouses and also reducing the working capital.

Lean production refers to the various methods employed in a given organization aimed to maximize productivity by reducing the wastes present in the manufacturing systems (Rouse, 2019). The system technique involves the use of an integrated socio-technical perspective. Some of the big corporations have employed the method to maximize productivity. The idea aims at ensuring that the various organizational processes are created to allow an uninterrupted flow of work hence ensuring the quality of the services and products offered is maintained. In general, lean production brought about changes to how companies which engage in manufacturing-related activities views and thinks about the clients, the products they offer and the processes involved in the production (Rouse, 2019).

There are various steps to be followed when an organization wants to employ lean production in an already established supply chain (Kettering University, 2018). The initial phase includes the identification of the values of the product concerning the clients’ wants that is the customers are granted the power to define value. The action involves the recording and analyzing of various production information aimed at identifying the existing waste hence maximizing productivity. Creating flow is the next concept under the lean production technique.  This helps in reducing the barriers present in the production lines, thus finding ways to ensure smooth flowing since ordering time by a client to the production processes. After the change in the production techniques used, there is the establishment of a pull system which is the ideal system lean manufacturing. The last step in the implementation of entails perfecting on the processes. The steps are repeated to ensure that there is maximum elimination of possible wastes (Kettering University, 2018). Lean manufacturing is an appropriate system that can be employed by companies involved in manufacturing activities.


            In this paper I have covered the importance of Lean thinking, JIT method, Lean production. Lean thinking, JIT, Lean Productions are very important to reduce losses, to create value, to maximize productivity for any organization. These methods are needed to take advantage of the benefits that these methods produce to any organization by avoiding wastage. We have lots of companies that have invented or enhanced the existing processes like Toyota to benefit the organization in all possible ways. 


Bragg, S. (2018). Just-in-time (JIT) inventory. Retrieved from Accounting Tools: https://www.accountingtools.com/articles/what-is-just-in-time-jit-inventory.html

Kettering University. (2018). How Lean Manufacturing Helps the Supply Chain. Retrieved from Kettering University: https://online.kettering.edu/news/2018/04/26/lean-manufacturing-supply-chain

Rizzo, J. (2019). How Lean Thinking Can Benefit Your Business. Retrieved from Business: https://businesstown.com/shows/lean-thinking/lean-thinking-benefit-business/

Rouse, M. (2019). lean manufacturing (lean production). Retrieved from TechTarget: https://searcherp.techtarget.com/definition/lean-production