Part 2 – Otog: PROTOTYPE

Brainstorm Possible Solutions:

Based on the persona interviews and individual customer’s needs, several approach can be adapted to address the needs and preferences of each individual. These innovative solutions can be critical to improving the shopping experience of each persona. These include the following

  1. Personalized Shopping Feed: This process involves creating an app that uses AI algorithms to curate a personalized shopping feed for each user, showcasing products they might find interesting based on their preferences, browsing history, and interactions.
  2. In-App Shop: Integrate a seamless shopping experience within the app, allowing users to directly purchase products they discover without leaving the platform.
  3. Virtual Try-On: This option would involve leveraging on augmented reality technology to enable users to virtually try on products such as clothing, accessories, and cosmetics prior to making a purchase.
  4. Social Shopping Groups: This option would be suitable to create a community where buyers with a similar interest can engage on diverse topics. This process can facilitate the formation of user communities interested in similar products. Users can join these groups, share recommendations, and collectively make purchases for group discounts.
  5. AI Fashion Stylist: This process would involve developing an AI-powered fashion advisor feature that suggests complete outfits or ensembles based on individual user’s style body type or preferences.
Planning Prototype

One of the best solutions to prototyping would be the Personalized Shopping Feed solution. To create this prototype, I would design a dynamic and interactive app mockup. Users would be able to simulate scrolling through a personalized feed showcasing various product images, descriptions, and prices. Interactions like liking, saving, or dismissing items would be possible, and the prototype would dynamically adjust the feed content based on these actions. This approach would provide a tangible sense of how users would interact with the app, allowing us to observe their engagement patterns, preferences, and potential pain points. By observing user interactions, it is possible to validate the effectiveness of the personalized feed concept, refine the algorithm’s recommendations, and identify any usability issues. This prototyping would thus be the most unique for the proposed prototype due to its ability to fulfill the customer’s needs and requirements.