Executive Dashboard

An Executive Dashboard is a visual representation, for example, the picture beneath, that gives officials a speedy and simple approach to see their organization’s performance in real-time. An executive dashboard is a computer interface that shows the key performance indicators (KPIs) that corporate officers need to viably run an enterprise. Executive Dashboard is an intuitive, flexible, customizable, 100% web-based Executive Information System (EIS). Implementing Executive Dashboard into an organization allows company executives and managers to view critical metrics in a dashboard setting, with the capacity to drill down inside of the dashboard and see those metrics at any level. Executive Dashboard permits an Organization to all the more effectively and efficiently execute on strategy, enhance business procedures and oversee key organization metrics proactively. In information technology, the term dashboard alludes to a graphical user interface (GUI) that organizes and presents data in a format that is easy to read and interpret. An effective executive dashboard serves as a beginning stage from which a corporate executive can get a feeling of the comprehensive view before delving more profound into information.

Executive Dashboard

A successful executive dashboard include these features:

  • An intuitive graphical display that is thoughtfully laid-out and simple to navigate.
  • A logical structure behind the dashboard that makes accessing current data simple and quick. 
  • Displays that can be customized and categorized to meet a user’s specific needs. 
  • Information from numerous sources, offices or market.

How Executive Dashboards Work 

Executive Dashboards work by uniting, by means of APIs or “application programming interfaces,” with the business systems we at present use. These systems including, among others, our accounting software, our customer relationship management (CRM) framework, our email framework, our web analytics program, and so on. The Executive Dashboard maneuvers this data into one place so we don’t need to sign into numerous systems. It can likewise manipulate this data so the information is in a more accessible format. 

Step by step instructions to construct an effective program: 

The thought of this effective program is to present some high-level best practices when outlining, building and executing dashboards for our business. Quite a bit of what is talked about here is sound judgment and has been secured by different writers and observers, in any case I thought it is helpful to distill all the great data out there into a simple to take after arrangement of articles that step through the most essential components of fruitful dashboard design. This article examines the strides that should be taken amid the design stage keeping in mind the end goal to make a helpful and actionable dashboard.

RULE 1 – Who are we trying to impress?

‘Does the CFO truly need to know the servers are working at 95% limit?’ 

Consider the crowd for the dashboard. The best dashboards focus on a single type of user and simply show information particular to that ‘use case’. Is the dashboard going to be utilized by the executive team to screen the organization financials or will it be utilized by the marketing group to screen day by day exercises? It’s vital to guarantee that where possible our dashboard comprises of information that is particular to a single audience. Frequently this stride is overlooked and dashboards incorporate a blend of information: Some of which is relevant to one audience and some to another. 

Example dashboards: Marketing | Sales | Support | Dev Ops

RULE 2 – Select the right sort of dashboard

There are 3 regular sorts of dashboard, each performing a particular purpose. 

a) Operational Dashboards: These dashboards show information that encourage the operational side of a business. For instance, in a business with a site, it’s essential to guarantee that our site stays up and running, so we would screen server up-time and usage. In a business with an inside deals capacity, we might need to measure number of calls made and number of appointments booked. Think about an operational dashboard as observing the operational hub of our operation. Operational dashboards often require real-time or near real-time data

b) Strategic/Executive Dashboards: Strategic dashboards will regularly give the KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) that an organizations official group track on an periodically (day by day, week after week or month to month premise). A strategic dashboard ought to give the executive group an abnormal state outline of the condition of the business together with the open doors the business faces. This information could be: 

• Periodic income (versus prior period) 

• Costs (versus prior period) 

• Headcount (by department) 

• Sales pipeline 

c) Analytical Dashboards: An analytical dashboard could show operational or strategic information. However this kind of dashboard will offer drill-down functionality – permitting the client to investigate a greater amount of the information and get distinctive bits of knowledge. Frequently dashboards incorporate this usefulness when it is not required. Don’t just give this functionality because we can. Remember that distinctive client gatherings may require an alternate sort of dashboard. The marketing director may require both a Strategic and Operational perspective of their information. Where conceivable make two separate dashboards.

RULE 3 – Group data logically – use space wisely

A well designed dashboard will guarantee that information is shown in consistent gatherings. For instance if a dashboard incorporates Financial KPIs and Sales Pipeline, guarantee that the budgetary information is shown alongside one another, with the Sales Pipeline information showed together in a separate logical group. 

Grouping is frequently by department or functional area and can include: 

•          Product (Inventory, advancement) 

•          Sales Marketing 

•          Finance (Actuals and figures) 

•          People 

Frequently the most essential diamond on a dashboard (upper left hand corner) is held for an organization logo or a navigation tool. This is not a good dashboard practice as the part of the screen is the most critical piece of our dashboard (this is on the grounds that most western dialects read from top to bottom and from left to right – henceforth our eye will begin it’s voyage when finding something new at the upper left hand corner. 

RULE 4 – Make the data relevant to the audience 

An Executive dashboard can have various distinctive gatherings of people. Guarantee that the information we show is important to the clients. Consider the extension and compass of our information: 

•          The entire organization 

•          By Department 

•          Individuals 

•          Suppliers 

Guarantee that we see precisely who the target group is and the extent of their prerequisites. In a small organization the Executive dashboard is prone to incorporate KPI information over all divisions. Be that as it may, in a bigger organization, every department may have their own Exececutive dashboard.

Executive Dashboard

Gaining agreement on dashboard components from non-related parties is doomed to fail. 

RULE 5 – Don’t clutter dashboard – present the most important metrics only

Dashboards are regularly cluttered. Cluttered displays deflect the focus from the important messages. Some are cluttered with helpful and relevant data and some are cluttered with pointless and unimportant data. Neither of these circumstances are desirable. Every dashboard sort may require distinctive measures of information (for instance an Executive dashboard might just need 6 numbers, though an Operational dashboard may require upwards of 20) There is no rigid standard to take after here, with the exception of guaranteeing that all that we show is pertinent and important to the gathering of people. Try not to include a chart or content just in light of the fact that we can.

Executive Dashboard

One of the dashboards we monitor internally at Geckoboard – showing only information that the user deems important. 


Guaranteeing that our dashboard information is being refreshed at the right interims spares time amid improvement (why experience the agony of sourcing ongoing information, when everything we need is a week by week sustain) and can guarantee ideal execution once the dashboard is live. 

Samples of refresh rates on dashboards include: 

•          Real-time (or close constant) 

•          Daily, week after week, month to month

As a dependable guideline operational dashboard’s require information progressively or close continuous, though official/key dashboard’s require information invigorated on a less incessant premise. A late study by Aberdeen Group reveals some shocking data about the requirement for continuous information. In that study, 42% of respondents asserted they expected to settle on choices on business occasions inside of the day that the occasion happened. Going considerably further, 28% put the time allotment at 60 minutes. With everything taken into account, Aberdeen finds that choice making windows are contracting. Organizations are compelled to react to approaching information speedier than any time in recent memory. What does this mean? For some organizations, it implies they require more than customary reporting programming. They require official dashboards that convey clear, constant business information to the right individuals when they require it. On the off chance that our organization falls into this classification, and we have to manufacture dashboards for our clients and administrators, we’ll definitely keep running into a couple inquiries: What goes into my dashboard? What makes a decent dashboard? By what means would we be able to construct helpful dashboards that our clients and administrators will love? Things being what they are, what’s the answer? Instead of just rundown my conclusions, I chose to have a go at something new: I offered those conversation starters to a couple dashboard specialists, and have aggregated their recommendation (and also some of my own recommendation) into the 6 key focuses underneath. Take after these strides, and we’ll well on our approach to assembling helpful dashboards:

1. Metrics must be actionable

“Make measurements that are significant,” prompts Michael Freeman, Sr. Chief of ShoreTel Sky. “Many individuals make reports and dashboards that release information yet regularly it is not significant. On the off chance that we can’t impact the consequences of the measurements, then we ought not be measuring it. On the off chance that the information is not clear or is excessively accumulated, making it impossible to not comprehend the primary drivers behind it, it is not a decent metric.” The initial move towards making noteworthy measurements: Understand what they resemble. To put it plainly, a noteworthy metric offers the client some assistance with making a choice. For instance, a metric that looks at offers of two item varieties is a significant metric. In the event that one item variety is significantly surpassing the other, it offers us some assistance with making a choice on which variety to keep. As another case, a metric that tracks item returns progressively is a noteworthy metric. A surprising spike in item returns may caution us to an issue, and offer us some assistance with fixing it before it escapes hand. Then again, basic measurements like “number of Facebook preferences” or “day by day site guests” are not noteworthy measurements. All things considered, do those measurements offer us some assistance with making choices? No. They may be fascinating, yet they don’t influence our choice making.

2. Data must be current

At the point when building a dashboard, we must comprehend the distinction between a dashboard and a report. A report indicates verifiable information, while a dashboard shows constant information. Lamentably, numerous individuals confound the two. “An excess of dashboards – official or generally – are just celebrated reports,” says Steven Lowe, Founder and CEO of Innovator LLC. “On the off chance that the data displayed is not quickly valuable to right or enhance the present circumstance, it’s not a dashboard, it’s only a report.” as such, dashboards must offer us some assistance with reacting to current information, as it happens. Thus, our dashboard should likewise show constant information. “Dashboards that appear outdated data are more regrettable than pointless, as they may prompt rectifications to circumstances that no more exist,” clarifies Lowe

3. Keep it to a single page

With dashboards, straightforwardness is the name of the amusement. “On the off chance that we can’t print a dashboard on a solitary letter size paper, we have lost the idea of a dashboard,” says Samir Penkar, a creator and undertaking administration master. “Try not to make slides after slides of charts and analysis.” Many individuals commit the error of attempting to fit an excessive amount of data into their dashboard. Lamentably, this diverts the client from the information that truly matters. In the event that we need a valuable dashboard, just incorporate the most imperative, significant  measurements.

4. Let users customize their dashboard

At the point when building dashboards, comprehend that each client is distinctive. Give our clients control over their dashboard’s components and design. Josh Farkas, originator and CEO of Cubicle Ninjas clarifies why this is so essential: “Utilize a bit of programming that permits us to alter information and sort out it how we lean toward. The more we can change it, the more important we can make it, and the more it will be utilized.” For instance, one of our clients just let me know around a dashboard he as of late fabricated with m-Power. It lets singular clients resize and improve dashboard components, and afterward naturally spares those settings for the client. Whenever they get to the dashboard, it keeps their customizations in place. Along these lines, diverse clients can get to the same dashboard however get a completely customized experience.

5. Let users drill down

A dashboard gives clients an abnormal state perspective of their information, however it should likewise give them a chance to bore down to more points of interest as important. Case in point, if our dashboard shows item returns, it ought to likewise let the client drill down and see where items are being returned, explanations behind the arrival, and some other applicable data. For instance, one diagram in this demo dashboard shows every day item arranges by area. Be that as it may, it additionally lets the client drill down and see which clients set requests and which things they obtained. It begins with an abnormal state perspective of information, however lets clients burrow more profound if important.

6. Beware of averages

While usually utilized as a part of dashboards and reports, be watchful when utilizing diagrams and charts that show midpoints. “I will utilize total information inasmuch as it is still noteworthy (see point #1 above) however I won’t utilize midpoints on the grounds that they shroud an excessive amount of data,” says Freeman. “Just a couple of anomalies can essentially divert from our normal and misdirect us if just taking a gander at the normal.” While I’m not saying to stay away from midpoints by and large, we must be exceptionally watchful when utilizing them. For instance, an outline following normal every day deals is effortlessly skewed by a solitary expansive buy. We absolutely wouldn’t have any desire to base business choices off of a diagram like that.

5 Key Benefits of Executive Dashboards

Executive Dashboard gives business executives numerous benefits including the following:

  1. Visibility: An official dashboard gives us awesome perceivability and understanding. We know precisely what’s happening in all parts of your business. This permits us to better oversee it.
  2. Ongoing Improvements: One of Peter Drucker’s most acclaimed quotes is, “whether we can’t quantify it, we can’t enhance it.” Executive Dashboards permit us to gauge our execution all through our association and in this way enhance it. 
  3. Time Savings: Many administrators spend endless hours signing into business frameworks and running reports. On the other hand, the right official dashboard dependably demonstrates to us the most recent results from every report we require. This recoveries valuable hours every month. 
  4. Judge Performance Against Your Plan: Many official invest energy making a strategy for success for their association to take after. Be that as it may, that is only the first piece to achievement. The second is ensuring our organization is performing to our arrangement’s desires. Our Executive Dashboard could do only that. That is, in our dashboard, we can consequently demonstrate our objectives from our strategy for success versus our genuine, continuous results.
  5. Employee Performance Improvements: When representatives know their execution is being judged in a dashboard, and can see their outcomes, they naturally begin to enhance their work.

The 2 Key Challenges of Executive Dashboards

There are two key challenges executives face when developing their executive dashboard.

  1. Choosing what metrics to track:

While picking what measurements to track, I jump at the chance to begin with the most essential metric of our organization or division. Suppose this metric is Net Income, which it is much of the time. In the wake of deciding this key metric, make sense of the “fundamental” measurements. That is, the thing that elements impact Net Income. For instance, Net Income is impacted by deals/incomes and publicizing expenses. At long last, make this maybe a couple strides further. That is, the thing that variables impact these measurements. For instance, deals may be impacted by the quantity of leads our firm gets, what number of proposition we issue, our proposition close proportion, our normal deals cost, and so on. Each of these hidden measurements ought to be followed in our dashboard so we can comprehend and enhance them.

  • Building our dashboard:

The way to assembling an official dashboard is that it must be made with APIs or “application programming interfaces” with the business frameworks we as of now utilize. The option is for workers to physically enter information to the dashboard. Dashboards made in this way definitely come up short as the danger of fragmented information, wrong information, old information, and/or information not inputted at all is excessively awesome. The perfect official dashboard consequently and safely interfaces with our information progressively, in order to ceaselessly redesign continuously. Furthermore, the dashboard ought to be accessible by means of a web program so everybody who needs to can get to it, as opposed to being housed on one singular’s desktop. An official dashboard permits us to better deal with your business, and in this manner enhance deals and benefits. For more data on adding to the right official dashboard for our business, please snap to take in more about and get a free trial to our Executive Dashboard.

Trinity mindset:

Trinity additionally turned into the moniker that was given to the key approach that was connected to assemble a world-class web choice making stage. The Trinity Strategy is, fundamentally, a state of mind about Web Analytics in today’s Web 2.0 world. The motivation behind this technique, or mentality, is to acquire noteworthy bits of knowledge and significant measurements from the awesome universe of Web Analytics – particularly, our web examination information. At the focal point of the Trinity is the reason it exists:

Executive Dashboard

The objective of the Trinity outlook is to control the era of noteworthy bits of knowledge. Its objective is not to do reporting. Its objective is not to make sense of how to spam chiefs with information. Significant Insights and Metrics are the uber-objective just on the grounds that they drive key separation and a reasonable upper hand. 

There are three parts to the Trinity Strategy

  1. Behavior:

The main part of the Trinity outlook is Behavior examination, what we customarily consider clickstream information investigation.

Executive Dashboard

We gather all the clickstream information and the goal is to investigate it from a higher plane of reference. No additionally measuring HITS. Do Click Density examination, enormous division, seek (both inner and outer). The goal is to get truly savvy about clickstream examination and get to truly really deducing the expectation of our site guests. Individuals more often than not expect a lot of the clickstream information. All the better we can do with clickstream information is construe purpose, and we need to make peace with it. Conduct alludes to the examination of the heaps and heaps of Web Analytics information that we all gather every day. Quite a while back, in a planet far, far away, advertisers would basically need to know what number of “snaps” or “hits” their site pages got, and their examination practically finished in that spot . The Behavior part of the Trinity Strategy is expected to inspire you to take a gander at your Web Analytics information at an alternate level.

  • Outcomes:

The second part of the Trinity attitude is Outcomes investigation. We can call it the “so what” component.

Executive Dashboard

This is basic for one straightforward reason, toward the day’s end when all is said and done what was the result for the client and the organization. I urge you to ask a basic inquiry to the webpage proprietors: Why does our site exist? (We may be astonished what number of can’t answer that question rapidly.) This component of the Trinity exists to quantify how well is the site getting along in meeting the objective of its presence. In the most straightforward of terms this is measure Revenue for ecommerce sites (how much as well as why did we make as much as we did) and measuring Conversion Rates more brilliant. In any case, for bolster sites this is measuring Problem Resolution and Timeliness. Each site ought to have an obviously explained result, on the off chance that we don’t have the ability to gauge all subtleties of results the proposal is to abandon measuring Behavior (clickstream) all together. Why sink time into that? A touch compelling? Yes. Fundamental? You wager your base. How well is our site eventually performing? We needed 40 drives a month from our pay-per-snap showcasing effort, or 5 deals from the new Banner Ad that we have running out there. Is it accurate to say that we are arriving? Where (and how) are we missing the mark? The results part of the Trinity Strategy is to inspire us to take a gander at our main concern and truly examine check whether our site is satisfying its targets.

  • Experience:

The third part of the Trinity attitude is Experience. Consider it “why did they carry on the way they did!!”.

Executive Dashboard

This is maybe the most basic component to me, in the event that I needed to pick only one component, I would pick Experience. This is us endeavoring to get into the leader of our client. This is the Why. This is the warm embrace when we are obstructed and tormented by our clickstream information and we need to remove our hair. There are a wide range of approaches to comprehend the experience of clients on our site. There are studies we can do. I am an immense devotee of experimentation and testing (we should have the clients let us know what they incline toward). Doing Lab Usability testing is another extraordinary alternative. We adore Follow Me Homes, an idea upheld by Scott Cook the originator of Intuit under his impactful Customer Driven Innovation outlook. All these experience strategies decked against one single reason: Getting organizations to listen to the Voice of Customer. Experience is about a term that is beginning to pick up prevalence in 2008 – VOC, or “Voice of Customer”. What do our clients like or abhorrence about our site or shopping basket? Which pay-per-snap greeting page works superior to anything the rest, and which one proselytes higher than the rest? What dissatisfactions did our clients have on our site, or what made them glad? The Experience segment of the Trinity Strategy exists to persuade us to take care of business/lady of the general population, with a definitive objective of enhancing our site for both our money related advantage and our client’s web experience. 

Now we can collect the three parts and the center focus and voila we get TrinityExecutive Dashboard

The Trinity mentality enables us to Understand the client encounter so expressly that we can impact the right client conduct which will prompt win-win results for the organization and its clients. That last part is vital: Trinity goes for win-win. On the off chance that the right form adaptation of the item for you is Basic and not Premier then our employment as site proprietors is for us to offer you some assistance with figuring that out and purchase Basic. We could profit in the fleeting on the off chance that you purchase Premier today. Be that as it may, you will get it, use it, get disappointed as it is excessively exceptional for you and you’ll never purchase from us again. In any case, in the event that we offer you some assistance with buying the ideal for you form Basic then one year from now you’ll be back for Premier. Trinity means to settle for the long haul. When we set up it all together, we have a procedure – an attitude – that ought to help our business, our online vicinity, our email promoting effort, et cetera. It’s an extraordinary methodology in the event that we don’t as of now have an arrangement of activity, or on the off chance that we have an arrangement, yet it’s not working and we have to improve. What’s more, is there any valid reason why we wouldn’t have any desire to improve? Take Avinash’s Trinity Strategy, and check whether we can apply it to our current online plan of action. Regardless of the fact that we can’t have any significant bearing it all in the meantime, attempt no less than one piece of the Trinity, and see what it can accomplish for us. I guarantee we won’t be baffled. At the very least, we have took into consideration an alternate state of mind about our online business and vicinity – in spite of the fact that it may not appear to be instantly helpful, the seed of information has been planted. So there we go, it is only that basic. Every component of the Trinity is bolstered by an instrument and distinctive strategies and reasonable procedures and, in particular, key relationship building abilities. Simply having the mentality does not take care of the issue (however I promise it will put us on the right way). Executing on the Trinity vital methodology means making the right association structure and a move developed society. Be that as it may, these are all subjects for a future


By taking after the basic steps clarified over, our dashboard will be very much planned and just contain applicable information that will produce the bits of knowledge that we require. As organizations gather more information, the need to respond quickly to that information is developing. Accordingly, organizations are moving towards dashboards that in a split second convey continuous information to the right individuals. In the event that our business needs to fabricate official dashboards, the counsel recorded above will put us well on our approach to building dashboards that our clients will love.


  1. http://www.forbes.com/sites/davelavinsky/2013/09/06/executive-dashboards-what-they-are-why-every-business-needs-one/
  2. http://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/executive-dashboard
  3. https://www.geckoboard.com/blog/building-great-dashboards-6-golden-rules-to-successful-dashboard-design/
  4. http://www.iexecutivedashboard.com
  5. http://www.mrc-productivity.com/blog/2013/02/how-to-build-a-dashboard-that-your-executives-will-love/
  6. http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/trinity-a-mindset-strategic-approach/
  7. http://www.morevisibility.com/blogs/analytics/the-trinity-strategy-learn-it-live-it-love-it.html