Web Analytics

Web Analytics is the estimation, accumulation, investigation of the web information for purposes of understanding and upgrading the web use. Web analytics is a non specific term significance the study of the effect of a site on its clients. Ecommerce organizations and other website publishers regularly utilize Web analytics programming to gauge such solid points of interest as what number of individuals went to their webpage, what number of those guests were remarkable guests, how they went to the website (i.e., on the off chance that they took after a link to get to the website or came there straightforwardly), what decisive words they looked with on the website’s web search tool, to what extent they kept focused given page or on the whole webpage and what joins they tapped on and when they exited the website.

So what prompts a certain organization to analyze the web patterns?? 

How about we consider the common instance of the biggest Ecommerce firm in the business sector Amazon.com. Each time a client arrives on the site to search for an item and maybe winds up obtaining one, he performs a progression of exercises, viz. look the item, analyze, gauge the transportation, add to his cart & checkout. Each of these activities are precisely followed by the application and its these decisions, these search criteria that upon assessment w.r.t. Numerous other components, for example, geo location, age group, season, and so on manage the prescribed items that is exhibited to him as he lands on the page. 

We have quite recently seen one situation of why an organization, for example, Amazon needs to catch the user navigation. Indeed, there are simply various circumstances, for example, these that drive the requirement for web analytics. Web Traffic, Market Research, and Advertisement Campaigns, Email conversations, Trend Analysis and so forth all these fall under the umbrella of web analytics.

The Nomenclature: 

There are commonly two crucial systems for catching the client information web logs & page tagging, which utilizes JavaScript. The advanced methodology of page tagging has developed into a much bigger stage which now takes part in not just giving the guest data as well as the conversations, funneling, landing zones, customer lifecycle analysis, lead history, click maps and considerably more. 

Visit, Hit, Visitor, Page View, Event, Unique Visitor, Exit rate, Average time Spent, Average page Depth and so on are few watchwords of this universe. 

Who are the significant players? 

There are more than dozen web analytics sellers in the business. For the present discourse I’d like to say an open source stage – Google Analytics and paid programming  -Adobe SiteCatalyst. These vendors appreciate an expansive client base and henceforth examining them and the examples of overcoming adversity of its clients helps us in understanding the practicality of web analytics

Google Analytics and a Success Story: 

Google gives a standard investigation program that is free to utilize (upgradable) – however with restricted highlights and a topped hits/ transfer download of 10000 administration calls every day. All you need is a Google account and the web application. Upon membership, you are permitted to arrange the kind of the measurements that you require to be captured and generate the JavaScript, which can be embedded on all the site pages. Commonly users insert it on footer/header as they very nearly show up on all the pages of a web application. The user movement is then uploaded to the cloud account and is accessible for slicing and dicing either on the portal itself or you could download the information for further investigation. 

What highlights does Google Analytics give? 

Application Specific Metrics and Dimensions, Browser/ OS, Flow Visualization, Map Overlay, Mobile Traffic, Social Reports, Traffic Sources, Universal Analytics. 

Google Analytics – Success Story of Puma 

A great many People around the world adore PUMA of the fact that they’re lightweight, responsive, flexible & fast. PUMA required a comparative stage to analyze and give them insights into the user traits on their ecommerce site also. 

Pretty much as imperative to PUMA was that every product category –, for example, PUMA Running, Golf, and Football – had an distinctive look and feel on PUMA.com, while as yet staying joined as a brought together site. PUMA needed to compare performance within each category in isolation, as well as understand visitor behavior during their entire PUMA experience.

While performing web site tests, PUMA used Custom Variables in Google Analytics to segment visitors based on which test variation they saw. This allowed PUMA to compare how each test variation affected visitor ability to complete a variety of goals and the micro-conversions along the way. PUMA used profiles and custom filters in Google Analytics to create a holistic view of all of PUMA.com and a separate, targeted view of each PUMA category site. It also used advanced features such as Event Tracking to measure interactions with dynamic page elements and Advanced Segments to isolate visitors from each region.

Adobe Site Catalyst & a Success Story

Adobe SiteCatalyst is provided as software as service (Saas) on the cloud and implementation requires cost and more in-depth development work. The implementation is always customized and differs depending on specific needs, metrics, and goals. The upfront work and investment for SiteCatalyst is greater than Google Analytics, but if done properly, the information gathered will be more tailored to your specific metric needs. In addition to tracking web actions the Omniture suite offers various options for data integration across an enterprise’s data infrastructure.

Features of Adobe SiteCatalyst

Advanced Segmentation, Marketing Attribution, Mobile Analytics, Predictive marketing, Advanced Visualizations, Social Analytics, Real Time web analytics, Customer churn analysis, Report builder.

ASC- Success Story of Murdoch University, Australia


  • Improve content relevance for external (prospective students) and internal (current students and staff) audiences
  • Increase online applications from prospective students
  • Demonstrate depth and breadth of course offerings
  • Generate leads
  • Better inform web content decisions by leveraging real-time analytical data
  • Find integrated solution provider
  • Raise awareness of research capabilities


  • Select Adobe Test & Target to modify and target content to distinct audience segments and Adobe SearchCenter to increase return on ad spending and paid search campaign performance
  • Leverage the Adobe Online Marketing Suite to gain a broader understanding of internal and external audience needs and to optimize content by audience
  • Implement Adobe Genesis integration with marketing email provider Exact Target to optimize and target email content.
  • Work with Adobe SiteCatalyst and Discover for real-time analytics insight into visitor activity across the entire online presence.


  • Increased seasonal campaign online application submission rates by 28% through testing and optimization of microsite content
  • Improved content relevance and conversion after targeting home page content to visitors based on category affinity and previous site visits
  • Streamlined marketing efficiency through better informed online content decisions
  • Targeted reengagement messaging to prospective graduate students who had previously started an online university application without completing it, which converted 34% of these prospects.


  • http://www.adobe.com/solutions/digital-analytics/marketing-reports-analytics.html
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_analytics
  • http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/education/pdfs/murdoch-university-success-story.pdf
  • http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en/us/analytics/customers/pdfs/puma.pdf
  • http://www.google.com/analytics/why/
  • http://www.paceco.com/google-analytics-adobe-sitecatalyst-comparison
  • https://hbr.org/2012/10/making-advanced-analytics-work-for-you
  • https://issuu.com/iift-markmantra/docs/markmantra_august_2012
  • https://www.scribd.com/document/501967517/Puma